What will you do
Paata Shamugia | February 5, 2025
Tell me what will you do, say what will you do
When people get tired of you
And you find yourself in the crowded desert of loneliness
Say what will you do
When your blood vessels fill with ink
But what needs to be said just won't become words
When you meet a good acquaintance on the way
And you talk briefly
About unwritten books among other things
And about food, of course
And you both pretend
As if life were beautiful
While life isn't beautiful at all what will you do
What will you do when love ends
Say what will you do when love
Let's say love say what will you do let's say when it ends
Just as Ilia ended and
Mircea Eliade ended
And like all known or unknown dead have ended
Say what will you do what will you do
One day
After troubled dreams
When you wake up
And discover that
You've lost your sense of humor say what will you do
What will you do without humor you can't write poetry
And you can't sympathize with the fallen so what will you do
When your cat dies say what will you do
A dog? What will you do
Say what will you do for example if your child rejects you
Mother what will you do and father too what will you do if they reject you
And your future
Prospects all with fatherly
Care get destroyed what will you do
Say what will you do if one day you become happy and become
Let's say the reason for passersby's kind smiles
What will you do in such an awkward situation
Where you are completely defenseless
Against any stranger's goodwill
Say what will you do